Last night, Euan and Auri nipped along to Chanonry Point to meet some friends and watch the dolphins as the tide and the weather were both perfect. It was Elfi’s bedtime so we couldn’t join them, but it was a magical evening, and listening to Auri chattering away excitedly as she got ready for bed when she got back (waaaaaaaaay past her bedtime!) will be something that will stay with me forever.
Today, Auri and I had An Adventure Day, featuring buses, a bank, a museum and art gallery (including a Highland Cow treasure hunt!), a trip to campus, and coffee and croissants. A tiny, tiny part of me thought Auri might actually be worn out tonight and go to bed on time, but no.
I have noticed (note-iced?!) these last few days, since I have had time to think (Auri-juggling, though exhausting and challenging at times, is nowhere near as constantly intensive as looking after Elfi every minute of the day), that my notebook is becoming more and more full of fresh ideas and scattered with observations. Previously, though I used a notebook almost daily, the content would be leaning towards lists: things to do, things I hope to do. Now it has a different flavour.
It’s strange how easy it becomes to assume, when you’re lost in the midst of the parenting jungle, that certain energies and abilities to process certain ideas might be lost forever when, really, they’re just lying dormant, like plants waiting for spring.
Today, we had one of those lazy family walks which turned into a two-hour ramble. Auri kept saying, “I’m having too much fun!” and Elfi kept laughing and chattering away. The promised showers hadn’t really come to anything, and it was still, warm and calm. We are in peak mushroom season right now, with several varieties popping up in different parts of the woods. Auri knows not to touch any, as I’m not confident enough in my identification, but keeps reminding me that our friend Daša knows which ones we can collect and eat so she’ll be doing that with her one of these days.