Back on campus today for only the second time this year. The cygnets are almost the same size as the adult swans, even if they still have their young coats. The vegetation in and around the lochan has grown tall, reshaping the landscape.
After the last two (three, four) years, it seems strange to actually have a social life again. Last night, we went round to dinner at a friend’s house, today I got the train to Blair Atholl for dinner with friends (while Auri and Euan had a splendid time at an afternoon party), and this evening two other friends arrived to stay the night. A marvellous weekend of all good things – and still two more days to go! And it felt good to be on a train again.
One of our new favourite things in our house is our new blanket – also known as the Dot Blanket – which a family friend gave us a couple of weeks ago. When it is not being used, it lives on the rocking chair – but it is already a firm favourite and is much in demand for curling up on the settee or for sleeping in miniature indoor tents.
Auri was looking at her French book about Beethoven earlier – the one that plays little snippets of some of his music – so I thought I would introduce her to this. She sat there in silence transfixed the entire time and, as soon as it was finished, asked to watch it again. We eventually had to stop playing it after several repeats so she could get ready for bed. A true magical moment!